Presage 0.8.2 released
Presage 0.8.2 is now available for download.
Presage 0.8.2 comes with improved gprompter and pypresagemate demo applications. gprompter new features include autopunctuation implementation, support for keyboard accelerators to access menu items, bug fixes, and updates to the text editing component. pypresagemate now supports standard command line parameters.
Presage 0.8.2 delivers a number of fixes and improvements to the core predictive engine, such as a fix for a defect in the learning code and the prediction with multimaps. The internal core predictor hierarchy has been refactored and the XML parsing code subsystem updated. Compilations issues on Solaris and various compilation warning have also been fixed.
Presage 0.8.2 also includes other bug fixes and enhancements. Please see the ChangeLog for more details.
This is a source release only. No precompiled packages or installers are provided.
Users wishing to try out Presage should follow the (easy) steps needed to build presage, as detailed in the README file and in the documentation available in the doc/ directory.
Presage 0.8.2 has been built and tested on various Linux platforms (including 32-bit and 64-bit architectures), Solaris 10, Windows (Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS), and MacOS X. If you encounter any issues while building or running presage, please report them to the author.